August 6, 2012

Day 6: Raiden the Fish, part 2

I really like how weird and cute these Raiden fish are turning out so I am going to work ore on them and I started coloring and adding texture tonight:

August 5, 2012

Day 5: Creatures of Our Land

Here are some drawings from the land of me and my son, Raiden:

Day 4: Raiden the Fish

When my son was beginning to battle his fears of going under water in the pool I told him a story one night that I improvised.  It was about a boy who wanted to swim like a fish.  After he kept trying, with the support and encouragement of his mother, one day he did in fact swim just like a fish.  A month or so later, when he stared taking lessons, he was getting good at swimming under the water, but sometimes his fears creeped back up on him.  One of these moments during his swim lesson I told him that I would draw a picture of him as a fish if he would go under water.  Well, he loved that idea and so these are what I did on the poolside, along with a few more later on:

Day 3: My Ugly Baby

My sister, Regina Clarkinia, is starting an open sketch comedy table read night at a local bookstore, Alley Cat Books, in San Francisco.  She is calling the reading My Ugly Baby since it is meant to be an opportunity for sketch writers to try out their scripts.  

Day 2: Chomping Bumble Bee

My son, Raiden, inspired this theme.  Today at the park he said "the bumble be… 'Chomp! Chomp!' that is what the bumble bee said."

Day 1

Thank you Regina Clarkinia for this concept which you suggested a whole year ago.  Every day I will post a sketch or finished piece that is separate from any commissions or school work.  Hopefully this time it lasts lasts longer than a day.